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A collection of articles published in the National Band Association Journal, Instrumentalist Magazine, InTune Magazine and School Band & Orchestra Magazine


Choose a Trip or a Performance Trip?

As we close the academic year, it is a time for reflection on improvements for the coming year. As you consider the music you chose and...

Considerations in Hiring a Clinician

We are beginning our school year at John Hersey High School and I am in the midst of planning all of our clinics and extra-school...

A Message for Future Educators

A few weeks ago, I was involved with the Future Music Educators Experience run by Mr. Fran Kick in conjunction with the Music for...

Music and/or Education

Perspective of teaching: Music EDUCATION and/or MUSIC education? The balance of our priorities as music educators is delicate and...

Why Music

As we start our new school year, inevitably K-12 band directors and music teachers will have the opportunity to spend some time...

Thoughts Evaluation Prep

Inevitably in the coming months, most school band directors will be preparing to have their concert and/or jazz ensembles evaluated in...

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